Step 1
Complete the reflection guide
The first step to making a positive change is to recognize the problem(s).
Do you experience any of these signs and symptoms of caregiver stress?
- Anxiety, depression, irritability
- Feeling tired and run down
- Difficulty sleeping
- Overreacting to minor nuisances
- New or worsening health problems
- Trouble concentrating
- Feeling increasingly resentful
- Drinking, smoking, or eating more
- Neglecting responsibilities
- Cutting back on leisure activities
Do you experience any of these signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout?
- Less energy
- Compromised immune system
- Constant exhaustion, even after sleeping or taking a break
- Neglecting personal needs (either too busy or no longer caring)
- Life revolves around caregiving, but gives little satisfaction
- Trouble relaxing, even when help is available
- Impatience and irritability and with the loved one
- Feeling helpless and hopeless
Adapted from HelpGuide.org
This Reflection Guide is designed to help you assess various aspects of your life as a caregiver and prepare you to take the validated assessment in step two.
Take a few moments to reflect on the following questions. Enter your responses in the text boxes below. Enter "none" for any questions that don't apply.
What are the triggers that make you feel overwhelmed?
What tasks contribute to feeling that you are over worked and/or overburdened?
How has your social life changed since you started providing care to your loved one?
What impact does caregiving have on your daily commitments (i.e. work, volunteering)?
Describe any feeling that you have related to a lack of confidence in your ability to provide care.
Describe any concerns that you may have regarding the future care needs of your loved one.
Describe any conflicts within your family related to care decisions.
Describe any conflicts within your family over the amount of support you are receiving in providing care.
Describe any financial difficulties associated with caregiving.